Monday, February 7, 2011

2/7 Monday's Notes and Homework

Hello Everyone!

Today we started working on our ideas for our research papers that we will be starting Thursday. First we discussed three different quotes and how they showed three different types of courage.

Courage is the power to let go of the familiar.  ~Raymond Lindquist
(This quote is focusing on the idea of showing courage by moving past things that make you uncomfortable. For an example we said a person who moves to a new town and starts a new school can show courage by meeting new people. It could also be showing acceptance and moving past a death in the family, even though it's difficult to do so)

Courage is being scared to death... and saddling up anyway.  ~John Wayne
(This quote shows that courage is facing your fears. We discussed that it's ok to be scared and courageous the same time, because the courage comes in facing those fears, and getting past them. We said as an example that a firefighter running into a burning building to save someone would be courageous, even if they are nervous to do so)

Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.  ~Winston Churchill
(This quote means that true, it does take courage to stand up and speak for things you believe in, but it is also being able to listen to what others have to say, and being open-minded enough to accept others opinions. The example we used for this would be someone having to go to therapy. It takes courage to talk about your problems, but more courage to accept responsibility for them and take advice from others)

We then started to brainstorm people we know/jobs/famous people that have shown courage in their lives. Some examples were:
1. policemen
2. firefighters
3. 911 call operators
4. skydivers
5. Lady Gaga
6. Jay-Z
7. Marines/Army/Navy officers
8. Cancer/Disease survivors
9. stuntmen

These are some of the courageous people your classmates will be writing their research papers on. The purpose of the paper is to write about person/job and explain why and how that job is courageous.

Homework: Decide what you will be writing your research paper on, and write down your topic on a piece of paper. You will hand this in tomorrow during class.

*MAKE SURE that whatever you decide will have information that you can research. Meaning you must be able to find newspaper articles/magazine articles/ online information/ books about that topic. You will be using the outside information to help you prove your point.