Monday, February 14, 2011

2/14 Monday's Notes and Homework

Happy Valentines Day!

Hope you're all having a wonderful and lovely Valentines Day kiddies!

Today in class we started doing research for our research papers. We received "Research & Note Taking Steps" packets, and began looking through library books to find information we could add to our research papers.

When you find a book that will help you write your research paper, you need to properly cite it, or else you could be in danger of plagiarising. When you find your book or article, you must tell me
- the author
- the title
- the publishers information (found on the title page)
- the date (you could find this on the copyright page. There will be the "c" with the circle around it and a date next to it)
- vol = volume (most books are not a part of a volume, but it will specifically say volume if it's part of one)
- pp = total page numbers in the book
- URL (this is for websites)

When you find a fact you want to use, make sure to specify what source you are pulling that quote from. You must specifically state what source that fact is from.

You only have one more day in the library to do research, so make sure that you are focused when you come to class, and make sure you have your research packet with you EVERYDAY!

See you all in class tomorrow!
- Ms. Cowley