Thursday, February 17, 2011

2/17 Thursday's Notes

Hello Everyone!

Hope you enjoyed the first day in the computer labs (7th period... I'm sorry about the Dells).

Remember that when you are writing down your source information, you have the title (the name of the article), the URL (the address :, ect.) and the date (usually a year). These are the 3 sure things that will be available at every website. The author is going to be a little more difficult, as is the publisher and this will require a little extra searching. I will help you find that information in class if you are having trouble.

It's absolutely a-ok if you want to go home and search around the internet for your courage paper. Just make sure that you put the source information in the yellow packet you have, and identify which facts you took from that source. The more information you have the better!

And for those of you who took the opportunity to re-hand in your Independent Reading Packets, thank you! I am always impressed by those who take the initiative to do better and strive for the best grades possible!

Let's make tomorrow an even more productive day, so that we go into vacation knowing we put in our best effort.
- Ms. Cowley