Tuesday, February 15, 2011

2/15 Tuesday's Notes and Homework

Hello Everyone!

Today was our last day in the library to do research. Luckily for you, the Mrs. Carr was kind enough to lend us a book cart, full of many of the books you all were using for your research. You will be able to check through that cart and the books avilable and finish up finding your facts from those sources, but you cannot take those books home with you!

If you feel that you don't have enough material from a book/paper source (and I mean at least 2!) then you better get yourself to your local public library. If you do not have a library card, you can still go and do research. You just can't check any items out. The librarians at your local library will be able to help you find books on your topic. TRUST ME! You have a full day off tomorrow, and a full week off next week. I'd use that time wisely, and set aside at least a half hour to go to your local library. Plus, it's a great place that we're lucky to have! Use it!

Thursday we will be in the computer room, beginning our internet research. Make sure you bring your yellow packet and your 15 guiding questions with you to class.

Homework - Due Thursday: If you got a 65% or lower on your independent reading packet, you MUST get it signed by your parents. Any grade - If you do corrections for the parts where you lost points, you can gain back half credit for all of those points! I will not accept corrections for papers with grades lower than 65% unless it is signed. If you did not hand in your independent reading packet, Thursday is the FINAL DAY to hand it in and you will only receive half credit.

If you have any questions or concerns, please e-mail me at NcowleyPMschools@gmail.com. I look forward to meeting many of your parents tomorrow! Have a great day off and see you Thursday!
- Ms. Cowley