Wednesday, February 2, 2011

2/2 Wednesday's Homework and Notes

Hello Everyone!
What crazy weather today! Rain, ice and snow at the same time? Yikes.

Today in class we discussed the in class essay that you all will be writing tomorrow (Thursday) and Friday. The essay will be about your current book, and the topic of courage.

In your essay you will need to:
1. Define courage
2. Tell me a character in your book who was courageous
3. Explain how they were courageous
4. Explain why the act was courageous.
5. Explain how their courageous act affected the ending of the book.

Your essay will be made up of an introduction paragraph, at least 2 body paragraphs and a conclusion paragraph.

We reviewed what is expected for these paragraphs.
1. Define courage
2. Title and author of the book
3. The character you will be discussing
4. The topic of your essay

R - restate your point
A - answer the question
F - "for example"
E - elaborate (explain your answer with detail)
T - tie it up

Your packets are also due tomorrow (even if you were not in class today!), and as always if you have any questions or concerns please e-mail me at

- Ms. C