Thursday, February 10, 2011

2/10 Thursday's Notes and Homework

Hi Everyone!

Today in class we discussed the format of our research papers, and we also started compiling questions that we want answered in our papers.

Here is the format you must follow for your research paper

- Explain what courage is/ define courage
- Thesis statement (sentence that tells the reader what your paper is about. Subject + Opinion = Thesis)

Body 1

- Introduce background information about your person/persons/group

*We do this so that we can show the person's journey. Remember the example of Oprah. She was so courageous because she pulled herself out of a childhood full of poverty and abuse and worked hard to become massively successful! If you don't have a person you are researching, show when the group was established, why they were formed, ect.

Body 2

- What was the courageous act
- Why was it courageous

*You may have multiple body paragraphs with this same format, because maybe you think that your subject does numerous courageous things.

- Wrap up your essay!
- Restate your main points quickly to remind the reader of what was important

Formulating Questions for Your Paper
We started to make lists of questions that we will answer with the research we find at the library. These questions must be answered in your research paper.

For homework: Make a list of 15 (interesting) questions that you would like answered in your paper. Remember, the deeper more interesting the questions, the more interesting your paper will be!

*Example: One of your classmates who is writing about U.S. Marines asked
Q: What is the percentage of marines that come home from touring overseas that suffer from PMSD (post tramatic stress disorder)?

I won't see you all tomorrow, but I hope you are all great for the sub! Be good and have a great weekend!
- Ms. C