Monday, February 28, 2011

2/28 Monday's Notes and Homework

Welcome Back Everyone!

Today in class, we began writing our introductory paragraphs for our research papers.
DO NOT FORGET that our paper is proving that the person/people/job we are writing about shows courage.

If you are having trouble writing your intro, one method you could use would be S.E.A.L.T (this is the upside down triangle I have shown you a couple of times)

You could begin your essay:
S = Statement (this is a broad statement where you could introduce the idea of courage to your reader)
E = Example (you explain your broad statement using an example)
A = Another Example (show a different example than the one your previously used)
L = Linking Statement (this is the bridge between the broad idea, and the thesis. You would use transition words/statements here to redirect your essay towards your thesis)
T = Thesis (the most important sentence in your essay! This is where you put the Subject + Opinion)

Here is an example of the S.E.A.L.T paragraph

" (S) There are many different ways in which a person can show courage throughout their life. (E) They could show courage and bravery by running into a burning building like a fireman. (A) Or they could be daring and fearless enough to jump out of a plane like a skydiver. (L) However, no other form of courage is more impressive than standing up for what you believe in, regardless of what the rest of society believes. That is why Martin Luther King Jr. is one of the most courageous men in history. (T) Martin Luther Kind Jr. was courageous because he defied society's unjust laws, and risked his life to stand up for what he believed in.

We will go over this more tomorrow.

Homework: March 3rd, Spelling and Vocab quiz on the research vocab words.
                   March 7th Essays due.
                   All student's who did not receive a 65 or higher on their in class essay's, must have them signed by a parent or guardian by Wednesday March 2nd.

If you have any questions or concerns, please e-mail me at

- Ms. C