Friday, February 18, 2011

2/17 Friday's Message Pre-Vacation!

Have a great February break everyone!

Today was our last day in the computer lab to do our research, so if you feel as though you don't have enough research compiled (meaning, you did not have 10 facts written down from at least 3 different sources) I would suggest spending a little time during break to catch up.

The Must Have List for Ms. Cowley's Research Paper Assignment
1. At least 3 sources from print or other media
                      - at least one must be a book
                      - at least one must be from the Internet
                      - if you have an interview with someone, that would be a 4th additional source
                      - it's a-OK if you have more than 3 sources

2. You must keep tract of what sources you get your facts from! Remember in the packet it states "source___ fact__________" Once you've written down your fact, you MUST identify which source you got that information from.

3. You must use at least 10 facts in your paper from your 3 sources.

4. The paper must have a focus on courage! Don't forget that the purpose of writing your paper is to prove that your topic person/job is courageous!

5. Do not lose any of the papers you've been writing your information on. When I collect the papers finally, you must include with it your 15 guiding questions, and your yellow packet!

If you do not have a computer at home and you want to continue doing research over break, head on over to your local library and sign up for a card if you do not already have one! At the library, not only do they have a ton of fabulous books that could help you with your research, but they also have computers that print there as well! I love love love my local library. Get acquainted with yours!

Additional Announcements:

Tentative Vocab/Spelling Quiz date: Thursday, March 3rd(The words are located on the blog posts dated 2/8 and 2/9)

Tentative Research Paper due date: Tuesday, March 8th

Have a fantastic February vacation! See you all in a week! :)
- Ms. C