Monday, March 7, 2011

3/7 Monday's Notes

Hello Everyone!

I have some great news for all of you. Your research papers are now due Friday, March 11th!  And because you all have some extra days to work on them, I expect them to be even better than before. :)

In your papers I want to see:

1. The S.E.A.L.T. formula used for your introductory paragraph
2. The background information in the Body 1 paragraph.
3. Body 2 to be talking about the courageous act, and why it was courageous.
4. Use of your facts that you found doing research. It doesn't count as a research paper if you don't use any outside information!
5. In-text citations! If you don't, it looks like you've plaigarized! I want to see you paraphrase and use only about 1 direct quote. Paraphrasing is ideal.
6. WHen you hand in your paper, I want you to include your yellow packet, your 15 research questions and a typed out bibliography (we will learn about this Wednesday).

And remember, I want it typed out. Times New Roman Font, size 12, double spaced!

If you have any questions, please e-mail me.
- Ms. Cowley

P.s.- Part 2 of the practice ELA exam is tomorrow, so make sure to be in school! Make sure to report to the same rooms you were in today!