Wednesday, March 16, 2011

3/16 Wednesday's Notes and Homework

Hello Everyone!
Today in class we continued reading The Giver, chapter 4. In this chapter, we learned more about the utopia's "release" system, and from there continued our foreshadowing t-charts by making predictions.

We also received our first set of vocabulary/spelling words for our unit on The Giver.

Vocabulary for chapters 1- 7 (the #'s in parenthesis are page numbers)

1.wheedle (6) to persuade someone to do something by using flattery or compliments

2. disposition  (8) somebody's mood or temperament
3. bewilderment confusion
4. throng (40) a large crowd of people or objects

5. chastise (44) to punish or scold

6. transgressions  (44) crimes or acts that violate laws

7. infringed  (44)  failure to obey a law or an agreement

8. gravitate   (45) to move gradually toward something

9. buoyancy  (46)  cheerfulness or optimism

10. meticulously (47) carefully, with close detail

11. profound (49) very great or strong understanding

Tomorrow you will receive the rest of the vocabulary/spelling words, and you will have a vocab/spelling quiz next week. Tentative date: Thursday

Tonight's Homework: Make vocabulary flashcards for these words. *IF you do not have notecards, make them using computer paper or lined paper and cut them into sqaures. Become an every day Martha Stewart and get creative!