Friday, March 4, 2011

3/4 Thursday and Friday's Notes and Homework

Hi Everyone!
Sorry I wasn't able to update the blog last night. I accidentally spilled an entire glass of water on my laptop and now it doesn't work. Words of Wisdom: Do not have any liquids by your computer, even if you think you are not a clumsy person!

Yesterday we had our research spelling and vocab test. So for those of you who are absent, be ready to take it as soon as you return.

Also, on Monday and Tuesday we will have a practice ELA exam from 8:30-10AM. You all must report to a specific room in order to take the test. Please do not forgot...

Here is where you must report: If you have me for...
Period 1, report to room 220 (My room!)
Period 4, report to room 218
Period 5, report to room 212
Period 7, report to room 216
Period 8, report to room 214

And for students who have...
Tests Read: Room 112B
Extended Time: Library
Directions Read/Directions Explained: Room 126

You all are going to do great on this. Just remember to breathe and stay calm throughout the exam. Read over the directions twice, and the questions twice as well. And make sure to check your work once you've finished the text. Make sure you didn't skip any spots on the scantron!

As for our research papers, I hope that you sent your paper to your home e-mail or to your parents e-mail so that you could work on this over the weekend. Make sure that you are including the in-text citations in your body paragraphs and that you are following the format of the paper:

Intro: SEALT paragraph
Body 1: Background info on person/people/job
Body 2: Courageous act and why it was courageous
Conclusion: Wrap it up! Do not add any new facts to the conclusion, and remind the reader what the important parts of your paper were.

Have a great weekend, and if you have any questions or concerns please contact me at at least I didn't spill water on my phone and destroy that as well, so I can still receive and respond to e-mail.

- Ms. C