Tuesday, March 15, 2011

3/15 Tuesday's Notes and Homework

Hello Ladies and Gents!
 I hope you all enjoyed class today. I know I did. I like it when we can change things up again, but remember I cannot make that possible unless all of you are being good little girls and boys and as I say "staying on the same track" as me. Staying focused is key!

Moving on: For those of you who missed today's class, we read The Giver chapter 3. I hope you all realize that when you are absent, it is your responsibility to get a copy of the book (may it be from me, or from your local library) and read the chapter that you missed. This is not the kind of book that you can fall behind in. There is so much that goes on in each chapter, so it's vital that you keep up with the reading.

Aside from reading (or rather acting) we began to discuss foreshadowing. Foreshadowing is a literary element that you will definitely see on your ELA exam.

Foreshadowing: clues or hints that the author uses to suggest what may happen in the literature later on. (One example of this would be in the book I Am Regina. She says multiple times throughout the book, "bad things come in 3's," and in the end, 3 bad things occurred).

For The Giver, the students made a t-chart with "Clues" written on one side of the chart and "Predictions" written on the other. We focused on the two main clues that the author focused on for this chapter (the pale eyes, and the apple). You should all make predictions as to what you think these things mean. Keep track of your predictions as we read.

There is no homework for tonight. See you all tomorrow!
- Ms. C