Thursday, March 10, 2011

3/10 Thursday's Notes

Your papers are due tomorrow!
                     I can't wait to see what you all have done. If you put forward your best effort, I'm sure a good grade is on your horizon.  
With your paper, you must include: 

1. 15 research questions

2. Your yellow packet (filled out/completed... don't worry about the 3 guiding questions. Those are your 15 research questions. You do not need to re-write them in the yellow packet. 

3.  S.E.A.L.T. Introductory paragraph. (Statement/Example/Another Example/Linking Statement/Thesis)

4. Body 1 (background information) Body 2 (What is the courageous act? Why is it courageous?)

5. In-text citations (You MUST cite any information you use that you got from an outside source. If you paraphrase the info, you must cite it. If you use a direct quote, you must cite it).

6. Conclusion paragraph (re-state your thesis in different words, re-state your main points of your body paragraphs briefly, end on a sentence that will make the reader think).

7. Times New Roman, Font size 12, Double spaced (to double space, go to format- paragraph - line spacing - double)
8. Bibliography (You can do this by going to, clicking on the library media link, scroll down, and on the left hand size there is a section called the Citation Machines for your Bibliography. Once there you enter your source information that you have in your yellow packet, and after the citation is created, cut and paste it in a word doc).

9. Staple it all together

You will have until 2:50PM tomorrow to get the paper to me, before it is considered late.
I'm so excited to read your work!
E-mail me if you have any questions.
- Ms. C