Monday, March 28, 2011

3/28 Monday's Notes and Homework

Hello Everyone!
Today in class we "received" (get it? Giver reference!) the rest of the vocab words for The Giver. The words are the following:

Giver Vocab/Spelling Part 2
8. luminous (adj) lighted up, illuminated

9. solace (noun) something that gives comfort

10. fugitive (noun)  a person who is fleeing

11. augmented (adj) made to be larger, changed

12. haphazard (adj) lacking order or planning, random

13. perils (noun) dangers, risks

14. lethargy (noun) the state of being lazy, unenergetic

We also went over the literary tool of symbolism.

When the author uses objects to represent a larger idea or meaning.

example: A student gives a teacher an apple as a gift.
              - the apple is a symbol for knowledge. It represents knowledge.

Many times, these symbols are used throughout the history of literature. In many books and stories, apples represent knowledge. The apple became a symbol of knowledge, because of an old, famous story, where this idea stemmed from.
*Adam and Eve, the garden of eden. They ate off of the "tree of knowledge," even though they were told not to, and because of that, their utopia was destroyed. They became aware. They gained knowledge. And because of that, they realized life was not perfect. 
The apple gave them knowledge, hence apples represent knowledge in literature. 

In The Giver, the first object that changes for Jonas is the apple. It was a deliberate choice of the author to have an apple be the first thing Jonas notice change, because that apple is giving him the knowledge that something is strange. 

*Colors can also be used as symbols. Just as green represents nature, black represents evil, or white represents purity, red is used to represent love and hate. Love and hate are two of the strongest emotions people experience in their lives. Red is the first color Jonas sees, becaue they are the strongest emotions people can feel.

Make flashcards for the final 7 words. Vocab/spelling quiz on Friday!