Wednesday, March 23, 2011

3/23 Wednesday's Notes and Homework

Hi Everyone! I'm sorry I've been neglectful this week with my updates. I've been grading those research papers of yours and I must say, that takes quite some time.

Reading Schedule:
Monday: Chapter 7/ Tuesday: Chapter 8/ Wednesday: 9&10

In Regards to the Research Papers
* If you are unhappy with your grade:
1. Hand in any of the missing parts of your paper. The yellow packet, bibliography, in-text citations, typing your paper and the 15 research questions were all a part of your grade. Hand those in if you have them and if they are done correctly, you can receive up to half credit.

2. Add or alter the paper with the suggestions I made. You may receive up to half the points you lost per section.

Vocabulary/Spelling Quiz Tomorrow!!! Thursday March 24th. This covers the vocabulary from chapters 1-7 of The Giver.

And just in case you missed the homework from the past two days...
Monday Night's Homework: On Monday, you received a job based on the 5 activities you wrote that you like to do after school. Just like in Jonas's society, you did not have a choice about what job you were given. In a 6-8 sentence paragraph, write a response to the job you were given. Did you like the job you received? Was it a fair assessment of the activities you participate in? Would you apply for release?

Tuesday: No homework....except study because...
Vocabulary/Spelling Quiz Tomorrow!!! Thursday March 24th. This covers the vocabulary from chapters 1-7 of The Giver.

Study! I'm sure you'll all do great on this quiz if you do!
- Ms. C