Friday, March 25, 2011

3/25 Friday's Notes and Homework

Hello Everyone!
        Today we got some more new vocabulary words. There is going to be a vocab/spelling quiz on Friday, April 1st for these. The results for this Thursday's quiz were a  very mixed bag. It's clear that some of you studied (and therefore did great!) while others... didn't do so well. The key to this is studying, and I can't stress this enough. You need to make those flashcards, and use them. At home, you should practice using the words in sentences as well. This vocabulary is not uncommon, and you will see it more and more frequently as you continue your schooling. It's important to boost up your vocabulary skills so that you will feel more at ease with your writing, AND your testing. Impress Albany! Show them that you ARE intelligent and can use varied vocabulary!

With that being said...
Vocabulary for Part 2 of The Giver.
1. haste:
noun- swiftness of motion; speed

2. ominous:
adj- evil or harmful

3. fretful: 
adj- to feel worry or irritation

 4. contorted:
adj- twisted in a violent manner

5. carnage:
noun- massacre, loss of life in great numbers

 6. solitude:
noun- the state of living alone; seclusion

7. wary:
adj- watchful; being on one's guard against danger.

Today in class, we discussed Chapters 11-13.
In chapter 11 we learn that Jonas will receive memories from the past. These memories will be transmitted to him through the Giver (aka, the old man with the pale eyes). Jonas learns what color is (the first color he learns is red, and he realizes that the apple, the faces in the audience, and Fiona's hair are all red). We learned that the society has no color, due to Sameness. Scientists took all the color out of the society so that no person would be different in color from another. Jonas is upset about this news.

We also discussed Lois Lowry's use of descriptive language throughout this novel.

Descriptive Language -
 using varied, descriptive vocabulary to paint a picture for the readers mind. Many times the writer will use the 5 senses to help describe a scene (sight, sound, taste, touch, smell), as well as adjectives for support.
*In class we practiced writing using descriptive language to describe a scene.
I heard the loud swish of the water, rushing back and forth across the sandy, smooth, glistening surface. I tasted the salt in the air, and felt the warm sun gently cover my skin.  I took a deep breath in, and could smell how pure and clean the air was.

HOMEWORK: Over the weekend, make flash cards for the 7 new vocabulary words.
Have a great weekend!

And side-note: To the cast of Suessical,
                                You were absolutely amazing! I saw the show on Thursday and I am so proud of all of you. Your efforts have paid off, and you have put together such a beautiful show. You're all stars!
- Ms. C