Monday, January 31, 2011

1/31 Monday Homework and Notes

Hello Everyone!

Today in class we worked on the Conflict and Resolution page of your independent reading packet, as well as the Protagonist and Antagonist page.


We discussed the meaning of conflict, as well as the five different types of conflict typically seen in literature. 

Conflict: The struggle between two opposing forces.

Types of Conflict
1. Man vs. Self (The problem is intrinsic. An issue the character has with himself )
2. Character vs. Character (An issue between two different characters)
3. Man vs. Society (A character has issues with an entire society or group. They are an outsider)
4. Man vs. Nature (The problem is due to factors of mother nature)
5. Man vs. Fate (The problem is larger than life and out of the man's control. Destiny or fate)

Protagonist and Antagonist

The Protagonist: The character we root for. The one who has the conflict. 

The Antagonist: The character who makes the protagonist struggle.

We then brainstormed character traits that are typically associated with protagonists and antagonists.

For homework, you must compile your own list of words that could be used to describe a protagonist AND an antagonist. I want 10 words to describe each, written out neatly on lined paper.
If you have any questions, please contact me at
- Ms. Cowley

P.S.- Check out what you all created in class today. The larger words are the ones that were reoccurring on your lists. Your work is on the web!

Antagonist Wordle:
Protagonist Wordle: