Wednesday, January 19, 2011

1/19/11 Wednesday's Homework and Notes

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen!

Today in class we continued working on our Martin Luther King Jr. response writing projects (if you have questions on the project, look at the post from 1/18 Tuesday). We did peer editing work on the 1st drafts of the MLK project and learned more about peer editing.

The Class Notes:

Do Now: What is peer editing and its purpose?
Peer Editing - Helping revise and edit a piece of writing that was written by another student (peer).

The purpose of peer editing:
- suggest ideas
- offer  corrections (grammar, spelling, punctuation, sentence structure)
- compliment
- shape opinions
- gain inspiration for your own personal writing
- strengthen own writing skills

Praise - Question - Polish

What is good about the writing?

What did you not understand?

What specific suggestions for improvement can you make?

We discussed that it's important to make sure your suggestions/praise/questions are clear. Not vague! Elaborate on your thoughts and explain what you mean. Don't just say "your writing was good." Explain why it was good.

Homework : Using suggestions from the peer editing, write your final draft of your MLK creative writing response.

Continue to follow the reading calendar.

On Monday 1/24 you will have your Courage spelling and vocabulary quiz.

As always, if you have any questions or need any extra help e-mail me!

- Ms. Cowley