Monday, January 24, 2011

1/24 Monday's Homework and Announcements!

Hello Lovely People!

Hope you all studied for today's spelling and vocab quiz. By the looks of the grades thus far, it seems as though you all could have used a bit more study time.

If you're concerned about your quiz grade (and you should always be, but especially because the last day of the 2nd quarter is this coming Friday!) make sure to begin going over grammar work you have covered with either me or Mrs. Pickford this year because on Wednesday we have a grammar quiz. I repeat...

On the quiz will be...

Begin to study these like the little diligent students I know you all are. Bring questions to class and prepare to review all these tomorrow.

Also - the sheet I handed out after the test today will be collected for extra credit. 1 point added to your homework average. Some of you should really do this! The goal of that paper was to find the hidden objects but then use preposition words to describe where they are. Once you've used a preposition in a sentence however, you can no longer use that preposition to describe the location of the other objects.

And be prepared to make up any quizzes or projects you've missed this quarter. I have extra help tomorrow, so if any of you did not take your public speaking words quiz or the vocab/spelling quiz you will be doing it then.

See you all tomorrow!
- Ms. Cowley