Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Tuesday 1/18/11 Homework and Notes

Hello Everyone!

Today in class we discussed different/creative ways of writing a response to Martin Luther King Jr.'s speech "I Have a Dream."

Do Now: What are some creative ways to write a reaction or response to an idea?
Some of the ideas we compiled were:
- poetry
- newspaper article (editorial style)
- writing your own response speech
- a play or monologue
- your own opinion paragraph
- letter (or note)
- Song lyrics

Homework: Complete a first draft of your "I Have a Dream" response writing assignment. Your response can take the shape of any style, including the styles we discussed during the Do Now. It should be at least half a page long.

Make sure you are going beyond a summary of the speech, and are giving me YOUR response and YOUR reaction to the speech. I want to hear what you think of the speech and its message!

If you would like to see the speech again, you can find it by clicking the following links:

Here's a video from youtube.


Here is the text from the speech.

If you have any questions about the assignment, e-mail me at NcowleyPMschools@gmail.com and put your name in the subject bar. I can't wait to see what you have all written!

- Ms. Cowley