Thursday, January 20, 2011

1/20 Thursday's Notes

Hello Everyone!

Today periods 1&4 learned about homophones, while 5, 7 & 8 learned about verb tense.

Periods 1 & 4

The first two classes has this as their Do Now:

Q- What is a homophone?
A - Homophones are words that sound alike, but have different meanings.

We then collectively made a list of homophones, and identified their meanings. If you are interested in having the the complete list of homophones we collected, e-mail me and I will send it as an attachment! Just remember to put your name and class period as the subject, and ask me for the homophone list.

Periods 5, 7-8

The Do Now was to identify what is verb tense and to list some differnt forms of verb tense.

Verb tense is the form of a verb that places the action in time. It tells us when the action occurred.
We identified that the verb tenses are the following:

 - Past: things that have already occurred, usually verbs that end in d or ed but not always.
 - Present - what is happening right now
 - Future - things that will happen. "I will go shopping. I shall buy 20 pairs of shoes!"
 - Present perfect tense - things that started in the past and is still continuing to occur. "I have eaten 87 cookies this week so far."
 - Past perfect tense - the before-before tense. "Before I ate your dinner, I ate my dinner first."

If you have any questions about any of this material, please e-mail me!
- Ms. Cowley